Building my first quadcopter
It’s been a while since I was thinking of buying a quadcopter and since it’s Christmas I decided to just do it. So after searching and searching into forums like and and blogs I decided not to buy an assembled one but to choose the parts and assemble it myself and also to buy a cheap one to learn how to fly (but mostly how to fall with style…).
Buying a cheap Syma quadcopter
So I bought a cheap quadcopter to experiment with and to learn how to fly those things. After viewing good reviews, I chose the Syma X1 which costs about 30 euros and started to fool around. At first sight the Syma X1 looks cheap and vulnerable but after a lot of falls and attacks from litlle children and dogs I couldn’t believe how strong and durable this syma quadcopter was. After a lot of practice I learned a lot about flying and gained some experience.
In the meanwhile and with the help of a free online tool called ecalc I came to a decision about which parts I would buy. Ecalc is an extremely helpful tool which helps you choose which parts are suitable for your future quadcopter calc is free but you can donate to its developers to unlock some features.
The parts I ordered
Reptile 500mm V2
4x SunnySky 2212 980 kv v2
4x Turnigy Plush 25A
Flight Controller
Ardupilot 2.6
Ublox Lea-6h
Nanotech 3S 4000mA 25C-50C
Turnigy 9xr
Frsky with telemetry
3DR 433